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Mercury Poisoning Information
My grandmother is 92 years old and has a fantastic memory.
She cooks herself a meal every day – meat and fresh
vegetables. Rarely, if ever, does she have prepacked
packaged food. She also has false teeth.
I wish I had false teeth.
In my grandmother’s day people didn’t have fillings if they had toothache Instead their teeth were extracted – usually at home and yes, they did tie a piece of string to the door knob. For their twenty first birthday those whose family could afford it were given a set (or two) of false teeth.
I wish I’d had a set of false teeth for my 21st birthday.
I make that statement because I am one of the 3% of the population which the British Dental Authority admit to suffering mercury sensitivity. And if you are wondering what that has to do with teeth it’s because dental amalgam contains 50% mercury, the second most toxic substance on the planet and the only metal that evapourates at room temperature? The remaining 50% comprises a mixture of silver, tin, copper and zinc.
Amalgam has been used for dental amalgam fillings since the
early 1800’s and even then there were doubts as to its safety.
Infact in USA they had what became known as the Amalgam
Wars and in 1845 a resolution was passed pronouncing the
use of amalgam as “malpractice”.
Originally amalgam was made out of a paste of filings from silver coins and mercury. The problem was that the impurities in the coins made it expand and crack the teeth.Hence the new mixture.
You may not know anything about science but when various metals get put together they can react in different ways. Metals corrode especially when they are exposed to moisture and for some strange reason these toxic ones are put in our mouths.
Mercury is incredibly dangerous. The Egyptians used it to repel tomb raiders and warnings are always given not to breathe it in or ingest it. It used to be used in the hat making process and many people went mad. Mercury toxicity is often referred to as Mad Hatter’s Disease. Remember the character in Alice in Wonderland?
Mercury is used in fillings because it is incredibly durable, easy to place and cheap, and because it was used long before there were any safety regulatory bodies people just assumed it was safe.
However, mercury is dangerous. It is toxic and even dentists have to use it with care. In the 1980’s dentists were given 15 recommendations of mercury hygiene for their protection. These included working in a well-
Seemingly the scrap amalgam (the bit left over after the filling is placed) was considered dangerous and yet the exact same amalgam placed in the mouth was okay. Doesn
Dentists will understandably deny amalgam can be dangerous and yet as a “precautionary measure”they no longer use it on children, pregnant women or nursing mothers. You see mercury vapour gets into the bloodstream and can pass into the foetus through the umbilical chord and also via a mothers milk.
Mercury Poisoning is invisible and is caused when the body is unable to get rid of the continual production of mercury vapour. It builds up over a period of time and compromises the immune system and as it is not contagious it doesn’t have to be reported. It is therefore difficult to assess just how many people are affected. Often it is misdiagnosed as the syptoms are vague and could be attributed to many different things. It is also very difficult to test for.
Until recently doctors dismissed mercury poisoning caused by dental amalgam as nonsense but increasingly there is more awareness. You may even find yourself being asked if you’ve had any dental work done recently if you display an increasing amount of inexplicable symptoms.
If you do need to replace your fillings because of mercury toxicity please do it CAREFULLY. Removing it can be very dangerous and make you even more ill.
Oh yes, I wish I had false teeth!
Mercury is the second most toxic substance on the planet and mercury poisoning is more common than you might think.
If you would like to discover more, please visit